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Intelligent Customer Claims Experience

Enhance your Claims with Dynamic Document Checklists and Intelligent Verification


Intelligent Customer Claims Experience

Incomplete or inaccurate documentation often delays and complicates the claims process. The Intelligent Customer Claims Experience module streamlines this process by automating document requirements, verification, and tracking, ensuring first-time-right submissions and accelerating claim approvals.



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The Intelligent Claims Verification automates document submission and classification within the FNOL workflow, ensuring that all required files are correctly submitted and verified. With IDP integration, it reduces Not-In-Good-Order (NIGO) submissions by prompting claimants to provide missing documents, leading to faster, more accurate claims processing. This module boosts First-Time-Right (FTR) submission rates, improving overall efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Features and Capabilities:

Key Information

Platform Modules:

Version: 24.06

Version: 24.05

Version: 24.03

Version: 24.01

Version: 24.07

Version: 24.05

Version: 23.11

Version: 24.02

Streamline claims processing with Intelligent Claims Verification. Automate document submission, verification, and tracking, ensuring First-Time-Right (FTR) submissions. Reduce errors, improve processing speed, and enhance customer satisfaction with real-time alerts and updates