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RabbitMQ Asynchronous Execution

Reliable and Scalable Asynchronous Processing for Messaging Oriented Service Orchestration


FGI_RabbitMQ Asynchronous Execution

Managing high volumes of messages across distributed systems often leads to bottlenecks and data inconsistencies. This solution addresses these challenges by providing robust, scalable messaging solutions, ensuring reliable data flow and uninterrupted service performance.


This RabbitMQ-based extension on the Neutrinos platform provides reliable, scalable inter-service communication using advanced message queuing and event management. With high availability and flexible routing, it ensures seamless data flow and system efficiency, making it essential for robust operations and independent system structures.


This solution ensures reliable message delivery and scalable event handling, maintaining system efficiency even under high loads. Its decoupled architecture allows independent service scaling, while high availability guarantees message delivery despite server failures. With flexible routing and comprehensive monitoring, it optimizes performance and ensures system resilience.



This extension enhances inter-service communication by ensuring high reliability with clustering and high availability configurations. It improves message routing through flexible topic exchange and routing keys, ensuring accurate delivery across services. Additionally, this solution supports scalable event handling, managing high message volumes in real-time to maintain seamless data flow. Its integrated monitoring and management tools offer real-time insights into message throughput and system health, providing a comprehensive view of operations.

Feature and Capabilities:

Key Information

Platform Modules:

Version: 24.01

Version: 24.05

Version: 23.11

Version: 24.02

Enhance service communication with RabbitMQ extension on Neutrinos. Ensure reliable, scalable messaging, flexible routing, high availability, and efficient event management for uninterrupted performance across distributed systems